Agile Transformation

We provide an integrated development approach from the perspectives of strategy, structure, and culture.

Expensive, highly technological tools or platforms are not enough to excel in a business, unless you convince people. Agile Transformation is here for that. It is a mindset and we are here to spread that mindset within your company through our insights, analyses and our ability to convert this knowledge into practical human behavior change.

It’s easier said than done: Changing human mind and behavior. However, this means the real transformation. You cannot change anybody as long as she/he does not want. So, when and how does the change process begins? It begins with purpose and motivation. Because of that reason, we focus on  the human aspect, and we believe that every human has the capacity to increase her/his potential as long one is genuinely motivated.

The better you know your people and your company culture, the more you analyze your environment; the healthier your strategic decisions will become.

As HAGA Organizational Explorers, we support our clients to deeply understand what the motivating factors are within their companies, how they can align with their strategy and purpose, and how they can start a real Agile transformation journey. 


If you are interested how to start a 'People focused' Agile transformation journey, you can read our article published by Inanc Civaz, at Harvard Business Review (Dec 2021).  


Agile Transformation